connected with ancient Greece, but the hugepowerful lifts] which we have known were created in the XIX century and used to work under the ground. Lifting equipment started to be very popular in the times of industrialisation especially in countries of Europe and the United States. The hydraulic crane was invented by William Armstrong in 1846 to worked in docks, however it had developed in very short period of time, in 1870 in the NY City was constructed the first office building with passenger lifts.
Today just like in in the past elevators are used to move human beings and goods, especially the huge ones, just like with metal works Poland (for example in Baltic docks) has got many cranes and different lifting equipment. Cranes in Gdańsk shipyard not just are the significant method of transport, but they are also a powerful part of history of Poland, so when we write about metal works Poland is associated with business and in the same time with tearful, however heroic history. It is a great idea to see the European Solidarity Centre and learn more about these events.
An elevator isn’t the finest invention in the human history, but it is very significant. It will be great thing to wach what kind of equipment will be constructed in the next few years, especially in the construction area.