Nevertheless, the route to achievements is sometimes long and winding. It requires a lot of energy and time. The article will show 1 of the individuals who has reached the success and has be a successful business person in the world.
The individual is called Carlos Slim Helú. He was born on the 28th of Jan 1940 in Mexico. Helu is a company owner, telecommunications baron and the owner of Telmexu. According to Forbes journal, Helu is the second wealthiest man in the globe. It was announced in March 2008. His place was between Warren Buffett who took the 1st place and Bill Gates who achieved the 3rd location. In present world, his fortune is calculated at $81.2 billion (Nov 2014).
A little of history of the business baron.
Carlos Slim Helu was born in Mexico town in 1940. His parents, Julian Slim Haddad and Linda Helu were immigrants from Asia – the area of Lebanon. The Carlos Slim’s dad created the clothing shop in 1921 and bought an attractive property in an industrial region of the town. The action has helped them to achieve a lot of cash later. Carlos Slim as a kid helped his dad in the company. Nonetheless, he chose to study civil engineering. His 1st job was a position trader and later he started his own brokerage.