During reading a book, you can picture how the main creature looks like, how high he/she is and how gorgeous or good-looking she or he is. It all depends on your invented.
Nevertheless, reading books are able to posses its minuses. If you reading in a dim space and you use inappropriate light you can harm your sight. However, it does not occur over and over again, and individuals harm their sight much more over and over again because of seeing TV than reading books.
Other minus of the reading books can be very extended pictures of places and characters. There are books where here are very little conversations and much more explonations. However, it all depends on readers; some readers love full picture of the action places.
On the different hand here is a movie. Movie is easy and is able to be seen by everyone. Moreover, here are increasingly motion pictures which do not convey anything to consider after seeing the film. In lots cases, screenwriter typically applies the books to write a script. However, the person present his or her own interpretation of the book and in lots cases makes it easier.
Those two ways of entertainment showed in the text has proved that entertainment does not have only one faces. Which face will you choose? – the choice is up to you.