When you started your on line store, try to trade your stickers at virtual auctions and websites. If you will have a good price and interesting pictures, surely you will have many of customers. Many of people more like to do they shopping on line, then in real life. Before you start to distribute your products, make sure that you register your new corporation. If you won’t do it, you could have to pay a financial fine. You will paying the taxes, but is good to be honest citizen, isn’t it?

Another circle who may appreciate gadgets you are distributing, are children from elementary school. Infants just adore colorful items, and will gladly put anywhere their sticker printing. NYC area is full of with firms making those. But if you open your own at Internet, you may have clients not just from the city, but from whole USA. You can show your products for teachers you know, maybe they would be interested in it? Or try to sell them to some of families with kids from your neighborhood.
Luxury furniture, blinded lights, friendly stuff. And if he like to customized it a little, maybe he could try to use sticker printing NYC district is all about it, at the moment. You could offer him to order everything he likes, maybe some muffins, or cup with smile and eyes on it? There are more then million pictures!
Are you thrill of starting a new business? Costs of it are really low, you only require couple weeks to get to know the process of printing, and to find a buyers. But this business must be profitable, and you got nothing to loose.