On the other side, once again regards services, we are recommended to remember that this field is in close relation with agriculture and industry, which used to be the most influential topics of economy some centuries ago.
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On the other hand the improvements in similar area we may observe currently are connected for instance with the fact that there is a significant demand for new technologies and more comfortable life. Despite the fact that compared with our parents most of us have much more comfortable life, in fact we don’t have enough and frequently are chasing recent inventions in similar area.
In the light of the points mentioned above, we ought to also remember that for instance considering our future in terms of career and finding appropriate job there is a rising probability that we might achieve our aim in the field of services most easily as in the future it is relatively possible that this sector would offer most working opportunities. Nonetheless, we ought to also keep in mind that in most cases there would be increasing percentage of office work than ever in the past, which proves that in the future work in front of computer would be much easier available compared with physical.