This indicates that instead of using a traditional clock, making use of above presented software, would offer us significant benefits. It is proved by the fact that we might program the application so that it would count less money for additional time so that the users would be more motivated to stay longer.
Generally then it is almost impossible to predict how much time would be required in order to discuss sufficiently a complication. This is implied by the fact that some law complications are very complicated and are connected with various topics. Hence, assessing the time needed is very hard.
However, thanks to the fact that in most cases services of lawyers (polish lawyer) are quite expensive a lot of people are not able to afford longer consultations. Nevertheless, if their time would be counted with the use of time billing software, they would surely be more willing to spend more time on analyzing their issues.
Taking everything into consideration, we ought to remember that using time billing software might support us considerably in improvement of our competitiveness. Introducing such system may be a big step towards grabbing the attention of improving number of users.