, many young men and females in Poland can speak in English, the older generation don’t. Many the things, as e.g., movies in cinemas and spectacles in most of theatres are also conductedplayed in Polish language, not in English. Even though this is doable to live in Poland and communicate only in English, it is a lot easier to be able to communicate in local language. It seems that plenty of expacts living in Poland, have similar experience and conclusions, as Polish course warsaw started to be greatly fashionable within a last few years. Presently, the offer of courses is certainly wide. Which one to pick up? Which one would be ideal for you? Hopefully, the quite brief guide below will help you to made a decision which Polish course warsaw you should choose (company Po Polsku. Polish for Professionals).
1. Group courses

This is the most attractive kind of Polish courses. Usually the group consists of dozen of students. A teacher is a native Polish speaker. This kind of a course may be conducted in 2 different ways:
Teacher speaks just in Polish, starting from highly basis words an expressions. As time goes by, participants are familiar with phrases which they have repeated tons of times. Teacher does not speak any other language during the course. The concept is quite simple – as children manage to learn their language only by repetition, adults might also do it.
2. Individual courses
In this type of course, student is alone with teacher, and has its full attention. Surely, this type of courses is a great deal more expensive. Nonetheless, it might be ideal option for these students who already know language a little, and now mostly practise is needed.