Taking medication is not our most enjoyable activity. If we have to take a pill once for a longer period of time it isn’t that cumbersome. But if someone need to thave it every day it might be a bit conbfusing.
How to get along with taking drugs in daily basis?

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The best solution is to create a habbit. At first you must work hard and keep memorizing that you have something do to after e.g. breakfast information about drug device. But sometimes it might be not that easy as treatment can change and the frequency as well. So in this case you can try out the classical, old ways: writing what you need to to on a piece of paper and put in a visible place e.g. on the fridge. But in 21st century, when the technical development is growing so fast you can also try out more modern ways.
In some pharmacies it’s possible to buy special drug device. It have different design and functions but the basic is the same. The most popular one is the pill bottle with a digital timer that shows the amount of time it’s been since the pills were ltaken for the last time see a complete proposal at The timer on the bottle works like a stopwatch, measuring the time passed since the medication was last taken, and resetting itself when the container is opened. It’s a great option specially for seniors with dementia.
Other even more fashionable reminder is an apple app. A lot of women keep the application on their phone and it show them when they should take the pill, when they have period.
Other more advanced technique is that the device control your physiological system and let you know if the important factors aren’t high enough. Nonentherless it’s not that popular yet and not in all of the situation you could use it.
Taking pills is rarely a pleasant. Happliy other people have symilar feelings and they’ve already thought aboutinvented different kinds of reminders. Try few of them and choose the best one for you!