Analyzing the situation in the field of industry nowadays we are likely to quickly find out that the changes happening there are not only pretty systematical, but also very revolutionizing. This implies that if we would like to find a job in this area, we ought to keep in mind that it is almost impossible that we could assure ourselves that we will have no complications with finding a job.

It is connected with the fact that, as it has already been analyzed above, there is a very high probability that the situation will change in ten years. Comparing with the way this area of economy has improved throughout last decade, we are likely to inter alia find out that more and more mines as well as companies that are responsible for production services in Europe have problems with resisting on the international markets. It could be quite surprising for many people, as this continent is in general considered to be the best in terms of growth.
First and foremost, we are recommended to notice that it rather isn’t any bigger surprise for people, who find out the situation in the previously presented area for the longer period of time. It is implied by the fact that owing to opening the borders between countries, as well as rising exchange of data and information the competition has improved. Consequently, growing amount of capital is currently moved to countries that offer really low labor expenses. This is really influential in the industry, as thanks to rising requirements of the customers it is inevitable to look for opportunities to minimize the expenses.
To sum up, the pace of changes in different areas worldwide has grown a lot. This implies that in order to manage to live on a level we always wanted it is for us inevitable to keep in mind that we have to to be prepared that something can change very rapidly. Especially in the area of industry – something like stable situation in this area doesn’t exist and we ought to try to predict them and adapt to them in order to be satisfied.